About Susanna
Empowering women to see their true strength, I guide them on the Heroine's Journey, a framework for navigating challenges and achieving their full potential.
It's been an evolution...
as life tends to be.
In 2000, I began working with women as an executive coach and organizational development consultant, helping them see that they were more, much more, than they believed themselves to be. I was coaching and observing them lead their organizations. I knew I was seeing their strengths, and they weren’t! Confidence was an issue. How could I help them see from my perspective?

I started with planning and personal planning, using a process developed from my strategic planning work with companies. This gave them a path forward and a means to see that they were equipped with a strong inner voice to guide them. Hello, intuition! In 2007, I was introduced to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, which I tweaked to reflect the lives of the women, the heroines I was working with. I discovered my life’s work—teaching about The Heroine’s Journey.
The Heroine’s Journey is a powerful framework for viewing life, progress, and challenges. It brings a story perspective that we all share. It introduces connection (we are not alone) and a path that shows us a reason for what we’re experiencing: if we want to grow, then we have to answer the call to leave our comfort zone, go out on the road, and face our challenges.
Bottom line, It’s always been about confidence. Helping women find the confidence to step up to their full potential to be their big selves in the world.
Blogs Related To  My Personal Heroine's Journey

Are You On The Yellow Brick Road?
Are you on the yellow brick road? Are you getting a Call…no, not that kind! I’m talking about the kind that upends your life - that shakes you up and ultimately, changes you — the kind that evolves you more into your “heroine-self”.

Waffling - Are You On The Threshold?
You know that place - the jumping-off spot for what you’ve been wanting to do next with your life. Maybe you’re like so many people right now, you just can’t bring yourself to cross it. In Heroine’s Journey terminology, that spot is called the First Threshold (there’s another one at the end of the journey, the Return Threshold.)
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